Codeigniter result_array to string

How to Pass Data From Controller to View in CodeIgniter

You can pass in the string 'array' if you wish to get your results as an array of arrays: $query = $db->query("YOUR QUERY"); foreach ($query->getResult('array ') 

Blog of Victor Walch Michnowicz. The Setup. Let’s assume you have a table, users, with the following rows: id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, email_1, email_2, phone_home, phone_mobile, phone_work, address_1, address_2, zip, city, state, password, last_login, and salt. The Problem. The problem comes when you query the database and try to get all this data into an array:

The solution was to use a CodeIgniter function named get_instance(). function addGalleryImages(){ $CI =& get_instance(); $this->load->model('  6 May 2011 Returns an instance of MySQLResult to fetch rows with * @param $sql string the database query to run * @return MySQLResult * @access  Implement Datatables with PHP and CodeIgniter in this tutorial series, including Each field is a string of data which you can manipulate on the fly (notice the  5 Nov 2018 It is a amazing deal with database to get all tables list using mysql query in php codeigniter 3 project. this type of task it might be required on big  3 sept. 2012 Array to string conversion. Salut à tous, voila je code un site sous codeigniter, mais j'ai un problème dans mon model ! je fait un script de 

Apr 16, 2018 · Hello World, Welcome to codeigniter tutorial series Learn codeigniter from scratch. In the previous tutorial you have learned that how to update and delete data from database with codeigniter. In this tutorial, we will learn that how we can perform searching and sorting with codeigniter. Difference Between Row, Result, and Result_array in ... There are 3 methods that allow you to retrieve data from a database within CodeIgniter: row(), result(), and result_array(). However, there’s a difference as to how you should reference the values that you obtain with these methods, as row() and result() return objects, but result_array() returns an array. CodeIgniter Convert Query to Json & Insert Into Database ... Mar 22, 2018 · In this tutorial, we will learn to convert CodeIgniter query to json and also to insert them in our database. It is difficult to store an array in database which contains a lots of user data. DB->query() returns 0 rows · Issue #4131 · bcit-ci/CodeIgniter Sep 21, 2015 · get() results go through query(), which means that query() isn't the problem. And the only possible difference between the two is the query being executed. In fact, nothing but the query generation is directly influenced by CI bar connection settings. Everything that you get from the CI_DB_result object is directly returned by PHP's mysqli extension. Also, the dumps that you're showing are

@link */. `CI_DB_driver` has 56 Data Source Name / Connect string foreach ($query->result_array() as $row). Originally Answered: what is the difference between $query->row() and $query-> resulty in codeigniter? when $query = $this->db->query("select * from users  result_array();. If you would rather work with your result set in the form of an array instead of an object you can do that using this command. 18 May 2017 How to Create a REST API in Codeigniter with Basic Authentication from ` tbl_user`"); return $query->result_array(); } public function  The solution was to use a CodeIgniter function named get_instance(). function addGalleryImages(){ $CI =& get_instance(); $this->load->model('  6 May 2011 Returns an instance of MySQLResult to fetch rows with * @param $sql string the database query to run * @return MySQLResult * @access  Implement Datatables with PHP and CodeIgniter in this tutorial series, including Each field is a string of data which you can manipulate on the fly (notice the 

14 Jul 2014 So I'm trying to use Codeigniter's db->get() function to fetch this data. 1) ->get(); $result = $query->result_array(); var_dump($result[0]); But this still returns a blank string of fieldtype "xhtml" for my relationship field_id_106 

Data Seek. Moves the internal pointer to the desired offset. We call this internally before fetching results to make sure the result set starts at zero Foreach de result_array codeigniter - Foros del Web Dec 27, 2014 · Foros del Web » Programando para Internet » PHP » CodeIgniter » Foreach de result_array codeigniter Estas en el tema de Foreach de result_array codeigniter en el foro de CodeIgniter en Foros del Web. Hola amigos tengo una duda tremenda. Tengo en mi modelo algo así. Template Parser Class - CodeIgniter 3 - W3cubDocs Note. CodeIgniter does not require you to use this class since using pure PHP in your view pages lets them run a little faster. However, some developers prefer to use a template engine if they work with designers who they feel would find some confusion working with PHP.

Codeigniter Passing Query or Generated Query Array to Controller I was woundering what is the best coding practice when dealing with the Model-View-Controller setup when using database queries. Should I pass the returned query to the controller, like so

Data Seek. Moves the internal pointer to the desired offset. We call this internally before fetching results to make sure the result set starts at zero

CodeIgniter. Docs » Referensi You can also pass a string to result() which represents a class to instantiate for each result object (note: You can have the results returned as an instance of a custom class instead of a stdClass or array, as the result() and result_array() methods allow. This requires that the class is already loaded

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